Dark Side
I first noticed him on the beach, when my parents took me to the seaside, when I was about 4 years old. I know he's been there before, but he didn't give me much trouble. It was only when I was standing on the sand and the water flowed around my feet that I noticed how brazenly it was parroting me. Although I have never seen his face, even today I am convinced that the malicious smile never leaves it.
It was much worse after that. Not only did he follow me everywhere, but simply behind my back, or sometimes even right in front of my nose, he made gestures that I have nothing to do with. What a shame it was, when in public I had to pretend I was having fun, putting on a a brave face. It took me a long time to learn how to ignore him and live a normal life. Even though he's still there, I feel like I'm boring him with my presence.

Stories imagined
As today I remember those stories imagined
That I have a brother who’s older than me
I remember dog’s from dreams, a tail waggin
And a wooden carved toy looked as a gun real
I remember those stories of being bolden
Bout fights and the high jumps from the biggest tree
I remember these toys which I have once stolen
And my naive version: that sky gave them to me
I remember their faces and eyes on myself
These strange grimaces with disbelief
I remember taking memories off the shelf
Cause I wanted to shine but got spanked like a thief
I remember the whiles just after a lie
How tiny and quiet I became inside
When it all was so clear for them like the sky

Pare lat, zero problemów
Miałem, jak pamietam życie
Nic ważnego, nie wiem czemu
Tylko beton piach i ciszę...

Serię #blokionfim z warszawskiego Gocławia, kontynuuję już od kilku lat na instagramie, ale niedawno udało mi się spojrzeć szerzej i stworzyć pierwszy zestaw tego cyklu. Bardzo mi zależało, żeby wykorzystać pozytywowe fotografie mojego taty, który w przeciwieństwie do mnie dzisiaj, fotografował wtedy w kolorze.